2014-02-28/04-04 Per Undén




Minutes from UERRA MST meeting 1, 27 March 2014



      1. Present:

Per Undén, Dale Barker, Manola Brunet, Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Albert Klein-Tank, Frank Kaspar (observer).


      1. Agenda


1. Action points from the GA.

2. Upcoming meetings.

3. Dissemination plan

4. Other items

5. Next meeting.


      1.  Action points


1. Priorities in observation rescue.

This was discussed at the GA and Manola Brunet will circulate a proposal/questionnaire.


2. Input data for WP2. Climatological data of vegetation, leaf area index etc. will be surveyed. Dale Barker is going to coordinate this.

3. Passing recovered observations to ECMWF archives in order to use them for UERRA WP2.

Per Undén will follow up with Dick Dee and ECMWF about the best way to transfer observations to ECMWF and how to use them in the regional RA.


(N.B. the observations will be used for subsequent RA even if not in time for UERRA)

4. WP3 survey of diagnostic output from WP2 (o-b e.g.) and also which measures should be delivered from WP2. Andrea Kaiser-Weiss to coordinate with Dale Barker.


      1. Upcoming meetings


The WP3 Evaluation Definition Workshop will be arranged 26 (-27) June at DWD by Andrea.


      1. Dissemination plan


This is an early deliverable and should be compiled ASAP by the Coordinator with the help from the MST.

Already identified items are:

The UERRA web site.


Leaflet. (Printed version),

Slides on the web site about UERRA

Conferences and meetings where UERRA will be promoted and where UERRA partners will take part:

(EGU meeting in April, Vienna, possibly, Per will not go there, nor Manola.)

WMO Technical Conference on Climate Services – Building on CLIPS legacy, 30 June-2 July in Heidelberg.

Montreal meeting on World Weather Open Science Conference, August 16-21.

EMS/ECAM meeting 6-10 October in Prague. (Deadline for submission 15 April!). Per will provide an overview and coordination with Manola and others who attend will be useful.


      1. Other items


It is important to propose early components for Copernicus CC service. This should be kept in mind as soon as we have operational components.


      1. Next meeting


A telephone conference will be held at the end of May. Time will be decided soon (doodle),