2015-09-02                                                                                                                                                                                             Per Undén

UERRA MST meeting no 9, 2 September 2015



      1. Present:

Per Undén, Manola Brunet, Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Richard Renshaw, Albert Klein Tank, Peter Jermey.


  1. Agenda

  1. Progress reports/updates in the Work Packages

  2. Deliverables progress and update

  3. Copernicus Climate Change services and UERRA approach (15 min)

  4. GA 2016 and project review meeting(s)

  5. UERRA User Workshop

  6. EMS/ECAM and other meetings and communication

  7. Next MST meeting


  1. Progress reports in the WPs

  1. WP1.

The progress reports will be somewhat limited since many of us and our institutions have had holidays in August.

URV has continued enhancing data availability by means of accessing and transferring open digitized data from the Swedish portal with the initial focus placed on stations with long temperature records that are absent in MARS and downloaded the Swedish Defense synoptic observations to explore them further. URV is also examining either open digitized data from the Norwegian Climate portal or undigitised, but scanned, data for Norway. The latter is more cumbersome, although URV is trying to figure out their machine to machine web service, and Ole Einar has been contacted for help to access Norwegian undigitised, but scanned, data. URV is waiting for a response from them, as well as from AEMET for undigitised data sources. All the gathered data in digital format will be processed for adding into MARS, ensuring their provenance. There have been contacts with ECMWF, CRU and ICOAS about Beaufort to m/s conversion for a fraction of the URV’s digitized WS.

Manola, Phil, Albert and Richard attended the ECMWF C3S observation workshop and presented work there. Richard Cornes has developed improved gridding at UEA and will continue this work for UERRA at KNMI.

  1. WP2.

The Met Office has developed and run a basic ensemble 4DVAR and results will be presented by Peter Jermey in Sofia. The boundary perturbations are provided from an early version of ERA-5 so it may be a bit degraded since it is not very mature.

SMHI has completed the two 5 year HAMONIE two physics (ALADIN and ALARO) runs and based on the short range forecast verifications the ALADIN version show better results for almost all parameter compared with ALARO. The report (which is a delayed deliverable) is being written now. Fields and observation statistics (ODB) files are still only on ECFS and it takes significant time to retrieve the data for diagnostics. Furthermore the assimilation system needed quite frequent attention when it stopped and thus added to the time of running. It may be related to some HPC and file systems problems but we have not been able to pinpoint the cause.

Météo-France has run a 6 member MESCAN ensemble off these runs (for Dec 2009 and June 2010) and prepared for 5 years (2006-2010). The configuration of the T2m and RH2m are clear but not about the RR24 uncertainties.

University of Bonn has just submitted the Deliverable 2.12 Kalman filter development report and the message is that it is not mature yet and requires more work. On the other hand, the ensemble nudging technique works well, so that is always a back up solution. We will look more at the results and discuss this but it is probably worthwhile to continue research since this task is not primarily a long data production task. It will be helpful to set up some deadline and milestone for this.

  1. WP3.

Michael Borsche has been writing more software and done statistical evaluation of reanalysis and station and tower data, so far concentrated on the German area. COSMO reanalyses, ERA-20C and ERA-Interim are compared with the observations, spanning the time of station measurements (spanning up to 100 years) and length of tower measurements (spanning around 10 years). The statistics include frequency distributions, means, diurnal, annual, inter-annual variations and correlations. . They will then continue with rare events and extremes. We are really waiting for the MARS archives at ECMWF. The SMHI EURO4M data are archived (2008-2009) together with the original Met Office data and MF should be available now or very soon. Still it is too short period for any long term analysis but still useful in order to compare the reanalyses. The UERRA MARS is planned to be done in September and Per will contact ECMWF for an update on this. It is important for the SMHI (and MF) reanalyses since they are doing production runs.

The evaluation procedures and software could also be applied on the E-OBS data set for comparison with reanalyses. Albert mentioned this is planned at KNMI as a means of quality control. KNMI is contemplating about how to tackle this in a manner that the station/gridded data still remain independent from the reanalyses. The simple approach would be to include a much denser network of observations in E-OBS than in the reanalysis, although this will alleviate the problem at best. . Andrea will arrange with Ge about which routines KNMI will add to the WP3 GIT repository for shared software (M24, D3.4). A possible way forward is to compare data sets in terms of the ETCCDI-defined set of climate indices. R-based software is developed at KNMI which efficiently calculates these indices for E-OBS and model/reanalysis data. These routines will be shared with the community.

There will be a side meeting at the EMS conference on the Tuesday afternoon where the work in WP3 will be further discussed. Andrea, Michael and Cristian are organising this.

  1. WP4

KNMI has discussed the ESGF node with ECMWF and it needs to be set up somewhere and together with work in CLIPC. Since the UERRA MARS archives will be at ECMWF the node needs to be connected to these in a clear way. The archiving work at ECMWF will be followed up by Per now and see what the status is after the summer.

D 1.3 Delivered

D 1.9 – E-OBS impact of data density (M15). Delayed and KNMI wishes to coordinate this with other work and a paper and is expected for December.

D 1.10 and 12 (Gridding improvements and resolution enhancement) (M24). These are expected to be a little delayed as explained before.

D 2.1 – Ensemble variational DA development (M21). It will be done in September.

D 2.5 – HARMONIE physics ensemble (M12). Substantially delayed but the runs are soon completed. The data extraction and the analysis of results and a report still remain and will be done in August.

D 2.12 – Kalman Filter Ensemble development – Delivered but with problems of the performance and they are uncertain about exact choice of system

D 3.3 – Delivered

D 4.2 – It is not ready yet but discussed with CLIPC and ECMWF and expected soon. (To be followed up in Sofia with Gerard). (M12)

D 7.3 – M18. EU brief. Albert is prepared to do this but we are lacking a good choice of venue and event and Per is consulting our PO for advise.

D 8.1 – Initial review of the user requirements (M12) – Delivered and of high quality!

D 8.2 – User Workshop I (M24). The planning is ongoing and a draft programme exists. It will soon be announced and Per will include this at the EMS/ECAM meeting.

D 9.2 – Web portal : Common web page. The common web page under clipc.eu will be submitted as a deliverable by CLIPC (although it appears in all 5 projects). (M6). The question of overarching coordination needs to be discussed with all the 5 Project Coordinators since the C3S are taking over more and more.

  1. Copernicus services and discussions and meetings

There are calls out for the C3S infrastructure and there will soon be for observation rescue and gridding products very soon. There was not so much information from the ECMWF persons (due to their constraints) and it is not so clear what will be in the gridding part. There is a call for quality evaluation out as well. The reanalysis call will be next summer but it is unclear how much of WP3 work will fit into that. The partners in UERRA will probably be involved in the separate areas and the WP 2 partners also need to discuss together (the expected white paper will be helpful in this).

For the EMS meeting 6-11 September there will be, apart from Michael and Cristian, Peter Jermey, Frank Kaspar, Per and Andrea of course, and Albert only one day (but Gerard will be there) and Eric Bazile, will be at the EMS meeting. Manola will be there for a few days in the middle of the week. We will also organise an ad hoc MST+ meeting of UERRA people on the Wednesday late afternoon (17 probably) to also review and plan for the Copernicus services.


  1. GA 2016 and Project review meeting(s)

There will be a session for the review or a review meeting with our PO like at the end of the Tuesday's proceedings but Per will hear more from Monika. There may be a review meeting in Brussels later in the spring involving only a few of us.

  1. UERRA User Workshop

Preparations have been done and are continuing (see above under WP8).

  1. Other meetings, publications, dissemination and communications

Frank will present a poster of using reanalyses for climate services for Germany at the EUMETNET data management workshop (St. Gallen, Switzerland, Oct 2015) where UERRA is mentioned, as well as Deutsche Klimatagung (Hamburg, Germany, Sept 2015).


WP1 related papers and submissions are:

1) Already published papers:

Ionita M., Boroneant C., Chelcea S. 2015. Seasonal modes of dryness and wetness variability over Europe and its connections with large scale atmospheric circulation and global sea surface temperature. Climate Dynamics DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2508-2.

Cram, T. A., Compo, G. P., Yin, X., Allan, R. J., McColl, C., Vose, R. S., Whitaker, J. S., Matsui, N., Ashcroft, L., Auchmann, R., Bessemoulin, P., Brandsma, T., Brohan, P., Brunet, M., Comeaux, J., Crouthamel, R., Gleason, B. E., Groisman, P. Y., Hersbach, H., Jones, P. D., Jonsson, T., Jourdain, S., Kelly, G., Knapp, K. R., Kruger, A., Kubota, H., Lentini, G., Lorrey, A., Lott, N., Lubker, S. J., Luterbacher, J., Marshall, G. J., Maugeri, M., Mock, C. J., Mok, H. Y., Nordli, O., Rodwell, M. J., Ross, T. F., Schuster, D., Srnec, L., Valente, M. A., Vizi, Z., Wang, X. L., Westcott, N., Woollen, J. S. and Worley, S. J. 2015.The International Surface Pressure Databank version 2. Geoscience Data Journal, 2: 31–46. DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.25.

Pérez-Zanón, N., Sigró, J., Domonkos, P., and Ashcroft, L. 2015. Comparison of HOMER and ACMANT homogenization methods using a central Pyrenees temperature dataset. Adv. Sci. Res. DOI: 10.5194/asr-12-111-2015

2) Paper under review:

Gilabert, A., Brunet, M., Lopardo, G., Merlone, A., Aguilar, E., Jones, P. , Roggero, G., Bertiglia, F., Cat Berro, D. and Mercalli, L: Exploratory statistical analysis of combined metrological and homogenisation procedures to ensure enhanced temperature series traceability to international standards. Submitted to the Int. J. of Climatology, under review.

Potopová, V., Boroneanţ,C., Možný, M., Soukup, J., 2015. Driving role of snow cover on soil moisture and drought developing during the growing season in the Czech Republic, International Journal of Climatology (under review) 

3) Conference/meeting contributions:

Ashcroft, L., J.R. Coll, P. Domonkos, M. Castellà and M. Brunet. 2015. Rescue and Quality Control of Sub-Daily Observations: An Iberian Case Study. Poster presentation at the International Symposium CLIMATE-ES 2015: Progress on climate change detection and projections over Spain since the findings of the IPCC AR5. Tortosa, Spain, 11-13 March 2015. http://www.climaes2015.urv.cat/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/CLIMA2015_2_LindenAshcroft.pdf

Ashcroft L., J.R. Coll, M. Castellà, P. Domonkos, E. Aguilar, J. Sigró and M. Brunet. 2015.Rescue and quality control of European subdaily data. Poster presentation at the 15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) | 07–11 September 2015 | Sofia, Bulgaria: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EMS2015/EMS2015-636.pdf

Jones, P. 2015. Historical (Surface) Weather Observations for Global Reanalysis. Oral presentation at the Copernicus Workshop on Climate Observation Requirements, Reading, UK, 29 June – 2 July 2015. http://www.ecmwf.int/sites/default/files/COP-OBS-WS-Jones.pdf

Klein-Tank, A. 2015. High-resolution regional observations and products. Oral presentation at the Copernicus Workshop on Climate Observation Requirements, Reading, UK, 29 June – 2 July 2015: http://www.ecmwf.int/sites/default/files/COP-OBS-WS-Klein-Tank.pdf

Brunet M., Linden Ashcroft, Joan Ramon Coll, Alba Gilabert, Mercè Castellà, Phil Jones, Albert Klein-Tank and Per Unden. 2015. Enhancing availability, accessibility and quality of land-surface/station-based climate time-series: the EURO4M and UERRA experiences and their links. Poster presentation at the Copernicus Workshop on Climate Observation Requirements, Reading, UK, 29 June – 2 July 2015: http://www.ecmwf.int/sites/default/files/COP-OBS-WS-Brunet.pdf

E. Aguilar , P. Stepanek , V.C.K. Venema, R. Auchmann, F.D. dos Santos Silva, E. Engström, A. Gilabert, Z. Kretova, J.A. Lopez-Díaz, Y. Luna Rico, C. Oria Rojas, M. Prohom, D. Rasilla, M. Salvador, G. Vertacnik, and Y. Yosefi. 2105. Description of the bias introduced by the transition from Conventional Manual Measurements to Automatic Weather Station through the analysis of European and American parallel datasets. (+ Australia, Israel & Kyrgyzstan), oral presentation at the 15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) | 07–11 September 2015 | Sofia, Bulgaria.

WP3 related results (comparison to stations) are shown in this recent paper (which is Germany-focussed):

Kaiser-Weiss, A. K., Kaspar, F., Heene, V., Borsche, M., Tan, D. G. H., Poli, P., Obregon, A., and Gregow, H.: Comparison of regional and global reanalysis near-surface winds with station observations over Germany, Adv. Sci. Res., 12, 187-198, doi:10.5194/asr-12-187-2015, 2015.

Studies were done during both CORE-CLIMAX and UERRA projects.

Michael is explaining WP3 methods in:

Borsche, M., A. K. Kaiser-Weiss, P. Undén, F. Kaspar: Methodologies to characterize uncertainties in regional reanalyses, submitted to ASR, in minor revisions.

  1. Next MST meeting

A short ad-hoc meeting on Wednesday 9 September in Sofia at 17.00, to be confirmed. Peter, Eric, Frank and Gerard will be invited.

A teleconference will be organised in about two month's time, beginning of November.

  1. Action points

Not this time